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About me

Ever since I was a little girl, I've always had a love for anything artistic that allowed me to be creative. I started writing stories at the age of 7 and loved drawing and paint by numbers. In fifth grade, I took a trip to Europe with a group of student ambassadors and my parents gave me a disposable camera to document the trip. I came back with pictures without me in them and when my parents asked why, I responded that I liked being behind the camera, not in front of it. I took every creative elective in high school including photography, pottery, jewelry, fashion, interior design, cooking, and creative writing. These classes are the only classes I remember from high school and I knew I wanted to pursue a career in one of these fields. As years passed, however, the whispers in my ear from society finally got to me. These voices told me that I needed to have a "real" career that would pay my bills and not a "hobby" that would leave me starving. So, I left my creativity on the back burner and got a degree in Kinesiology. I knew in the back of my head that this wasn't what I wanted to do with my life, but hey, it made society happy, right? I was, unfortunately, content with going through the motions every day and had accepted that this is what life looked like. This year I had my first child and he ultimately changed my life forever. My son made my passions and priorities shift and I realized I was no longer content with doing a career that took away from my family. Photography is something I've been passionate about since I received my first Polaroid camera in fifth grade, so I decided to jump on my dream and am currently going through a mentorship with Kelsey of Wandering Willow Photography. My soul finally feels at home because I'm doing what I love, and I'm glad you're here with me on my new journey! 


Lover's Embrace

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"When people look at my pictures, I want them to feel the way they do when they want to read a line of a poem twice."

-Robert Frank

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